How do I configure the <mailsettings> section of web.config to send a simple enquiry form email from a ...
The below email script is for PHP emailing with SMTP authentication. <?php //new function $to = ...
Sample code for using CDO to send email from a webpage using authentication. Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2 'Send the ...
How to redirect from non-secure http to secure (SSL) https Create a .htaccess file in your wwwroot folder (Windows ...
Applies to Websitepanel Windows hosting only:Use IP address to connect in your scripts and remotely.
99% of the time this is not a problem with the server but a problem with your ASP code.Launch internet explorer and ...
We have enabled the ASP.NET Session State Service on all web servers. This will allow for sessions to be held by the ...
The Web Application Installer Beta is designed to help get you up and running with the most widely used Web ...
ASP.NET MVC should work on our servers. Take a look at ...
Isapi_Rewrite is installed on all our Windows servers. Version 2 is installed on servers HNODE2, HNODE3 and VPS5 and ...
Correcrt way of telling the MUA the From and Reply-To addresses: <?php$to = ...
This is the recommended way of sending emails using PHP and PEAR on windows servers: <?phprequire_once ...
How to redirect from to Create a .htaccess file in your wwwroot folder (Windows hosting) or ...
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