This demo assumes you've already logged in to Plesk.
Now let's learn how to create an email forwarder-only address.
Click the Mail tab.
Then click the email address you want to edit.
Click the Forwarding tab.
Turn mail forwarding on, then enter the email address you want emails forwarded to.
The forwarder is setup, but so is a mailbox for this email address... right now, emails will be forwarded, but copies will also be kept in this address's mailbox.
Click the email address again.
Un-check the mailbox option, and then click OK.
This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set up a forwarder-only email address in Plesk.
That's it! The mailbox for the email address we set up a forwarder for has been removed, and so this is now a forwarder-only email address.